
Yoga-centric help articles

cos’è lo yoga?

cos’è lo yoga?

Lo yoga è una pratica fisica, mentale e spirituale che ha avuto origine nell'antica India. Codificata per la prima volta dal saggio Patanjali nei suoi Yoga Sutra intorno al 400 E.V, la pratica fu infatti tramandata da...

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Yoga poses to boost immunity

Yoga poses to boost immunity

1. Shalabasana- Locust Pose Formation of the posture Lie flat on your stomachArms can be stretched out aheadKeep your knees straight and feet togetherInhale and lift your legs and arms up togetherLift your head up...

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All about the Chakras

All about the Chakras

The chakras transmit a particular tone and energy. Everyone corresponds with an organ in the actual body. Since each chakra connects with explicit otherworldly, profound, mental, and actual parts of our being, it is accepted that their blockage or breakdown can prompt physical, mental, and close-to-home issues.

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