Chakra balancing sessions

by | Inner yoga, Meditations, Therapies

5-Session Chakra Balancing & Healing Journey: A Holistic Approach

This 5-session chakra healing program is designed to identify blockages, restore energetic balance, and bring clarity to the root cause of any disharmony. Each session progressively deepens the connection between mind, body, and spirit, using a variety of healing techniques such as mantras, mudras, visualizations, sound therapy, colors, and affirmations. The final session culminates in a creative process where participants manifest their intentions for lasting transformation.

Session 1: Chakra Assessment & Diagnostic

Objective: To identify which chakras are blocked, imbalanced, or overactive. This session will assess the individual’s energy flow through each chakra.


  • Introduction & Discussion: A brief talk with the participant about their current life, physical health, emotions, and overall energy levels.
  • Chakra Testing: Using techniques such as:
  • Pendulum Diagnostics: The pendulum is used to assess the flow of energy at each chakra point.
  • Body Scan Meditation: A guided meditation where the participant tunes into each chakra, sensing any discomfort, heaviness, or imbalance.
  • Reflection & Journal: The participant reflects on which chakras feel blocked or need attention.
  • Homework: Encourage participants to be mindful of the chakra blockages and observe how they feel in the coming days.

Session 2: Energy Balancing Across the Chakras

Objective: To evenly distribute energy through the chakras and initiate the rebalancing process.


  • Asanas for Energy Flow:
  • A gentle sequence of yoga poses that engage and stimulate all the chakras:
    • Root: Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Warrior I
    • Sacral: Pigeon Pose, Seated Forward Bend
    • Solar Plexus: Boat Pose, Plank Pose
    • Heart: Camel Pose, Cobra Pose
    • Throat: Shoulder Stand, Fish Pose
    • Third Eye: Child’s Pose, Eagle Pose
    • Crown: Lotus Pose, Corpse Pose
  • Pranayama:
  • Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) to harmonize the left and right sides of the body and balance the energy flow.
  • Guided Meditation:
  • A full chakra meditation, visualizing energy moving evenly through each energy center like a river, clearing and nourishing each chakra.
  • Journal Reflection: Participants will note any sensations or awareness of particular blockages or areas that opened up during the practice.

Session 3: Root Cause Healing with Mantras & Mudras

Objective: To uncover the root causes of chakra blockages and begin the healing process using mantras, mudras, and guided introspection.


  • Discussion: Identifying the emotional, physical, or mental blockages linked to the imbalanced chakras.
  • Mantras & Mudras: Personalized for the affected chakras:
  • Root (Muladhara): Mantra: “LAM”, Mudra: Prithvi Mudra (Earth Mudra)
  • Sacral (Svadhisthana): Mantra: “VAM”, Mudra: Shakti Mudra
  • Solar Plexus (Manipura): Mantra: “RAM”, Mudra: Rudra Mudra
  • Heart (Anahata): Mantra: “YAM”, Mudra: Padma Mudra
  • Throat (Vishuddha): Mantra: “HAM”, Mudra: Granthita Mudra
  • Third Eye (Ajna): Mantra: “OM”, Mudra: Gyana Mudra
  • Crown (Sahasrara): Silent meditation with hands in Lotus Mudra.
  • Focused Meditation:
  • Working specifically with the affected chakra(s) through visualization, sound vibration (chanting the mantra), and mudras to open the energy.
  • Homework: Daily mantra chanting and mudra practice for 5-10 minutes, focusing on the most blocked chakra(s).

Session 4: Clarity & Healing with Vibrations, Colors, & Scents

Objective: To bring clarity to the healing process using sensory therapies such as sound, color, and aromatherapy to fine-tune the energy flow in each chakra.


  • Sound Therapy:
  • Tuning Forks or Singing Bowls: Use chakra-specific frequencies to resonate with and balance each chakra.
  • Color Visualization:
  • Guided visualization where participants imagine the color associated with each chakra (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) flowing through and energizing the chakra.
  • Aromatherapy:
  • Essential Oils: Apply or diffuse chakra-related essential oils to activate the senses and promote healing:
    • Root: Patchouli, Cedarwood
    • Sacral: Orange, Jasmine
    • Solar Plexus: Lemon, Ginger
    • Heart: Rose, Lavender
    • Throat: Peppermint, Eucalyptus
    • Third Eye: Frankincense, Sandalwood
    • Crown: Myrrh, Lotus
  • Visualization Meditation: Participants visualize their chakras as wheels of light, fully open, spinning in harmony. Invite feelings of clarity, peace, and inner alignment.
  • Journal Reflection: How has the participant’s perception shifted? Are they feeling a new sense of balance or clarity?

Session 5: Manifesting Future Intentions (Affirmations & Creative Manifesto)

Objective: To integrate the healing journey and create personalized affirmations and a creative manifesto that will guide the participant’s continued chakra balancing and future transformation.


  • Affirmations:
  • Participants will create affirmations for each chakra, aligning with their healing journey and future aspirations:
    • Root: “I am grounded and secure.”
    • Sacral: “I honor my emotions and creativity.”
    • Solar Plexus: “I am confident and strong.”
    • Heart: “I give and receive love openly.”
    • Throat: “I express my truth clearly and authentically.”
    • Third Eye: “I trust my intuition.”
    • Crown: “I am connected to the divine.”
  • Artistic Creation:
  • Using colors, drawings, or writing, participants will create a manifesto of their intentions, reflecting how they wish to move forward in life. This can include their affirmations, visions for the future, or symbolic representations of their healing journey.
  • Visualization Meditation:
  • A final meditation bringing all chakras into alignment, visualizing the entire body as a radiant channel of energy flowing harmoniously from Root to Crown.
  • Closure & Reflection: End with a reflection on the program’s impact. How has the participant’s sense of self and energy shifted over the sessions?

Outcomes of the Program:

  • Energetic Alignment: All chakras are activated and in balance, allowing for free-flowing energy throughout the body.
  • Emotional Healing: The participant will have identified and started to heal emotional and mental blockages.
  • Clarity of Purpose: The participant has gained clarity on their life path and intentions for the future.
  • Tools for Ongoing Practice: Personalized mantras, mudras, affirmations, and a creative manifesto will serve as ongoing tools to maintain balance and healing.

This chakra balancing journey provides a unique, personalized healing experience designed to optimize physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It serves as a gateway for the participant to continue evolving, feeling empowered to move forward with clarity, purpose, and energy.