The Eight Limbs of Yoga Explained: A Comprehensive Guide with examples

by | What is Yoga

The eight limbs of yoga, also known as Ashtanga, are the foundational principles that guide the practice of yoga. Here is a detailed description of each limb, along with examples and metaphors to help illustrate their meaning:

  1. Yama: The first limb of yoga, Yama, refers to ethical guidelines that help us to live in harmony with others. Yama includes five principles: Ahimsa (non-harming), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (celibacy or moderation), and Aparigraha (non-greediness). These principles encourage us to practice compassion, honesty, and respect for others.

Metaphor: Yama is like the foundation of a house. It sets the framework for the rest of the building to be built on.

  1. Niyama: The second limb of yoga, Niyama, refers to personal disciplines that help us to cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves. Niyama includes five principles: Saucha (cleanliness), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (self-discipline), Svadhyaya (self-study), and Ishvara pranidhana (surrender to a higher power). These principles encourage us to practice self-care and introspection.

Metaphor: Niyama is like the walls of a house. It creates a safe and secure space for us to explore and connect with ourselves.

  1. Asana: The third limb of yoga, Asana, refers to the physical postures practiced in yoga. Asanas help to build strength, flexibility, and balance in the body. The practice of asana also helps to develop mental focus and concentration.

Metaphor: Asana is like the furniture in a house. It provides comfort and support to help us move through our daily lives with ease.

  1. Pranayama: The fourth limb of yoga, Pranayama, refers to breathing techniques that help to regulate the flow of energy in the body. Pranayama practices help to calm the mind and increase vitality.

Metaphor: Pranayama is like the air we breathe in a house. It provides us with the vital energy we need to function and thrive.

  1. Pratyahara: The fifth limb of yoga, Pratyahara, refers to the withdrawal of the senses. Pratyahara practices help us to cultivate a greater sense of inner awareness and detachment from external stimuli.

Metaphor: Pratyahara is like closing the blinds in a house. It allows us to turn inward and disconnect from the distractions of the outside world.

  1. Dharana: The sixth limb of yoga, Dharana, refers to concentration practices that help us to develop mental focus and clarity. Dharana practices help to bring the mind into a state of one-pointed attention.

Metaphor: Dharana is like turning off the distractions in a house. It helps us to clear our mental space and focus on a single task.

  1. Dhyana: The seventh limb of yoga, Dhyana, refers to meditation practices that help us to cultivate a deep sense of inner peace and connection. Dhyana practices help us to transcend the limitations of the ego and experience a sense of unity with all beings.

Metaphor: Dhyana is like the quiet moments in a house. It provides us with a sense of stillness and calm in the midst of daily life.

  1. Samadhi: The eighth and final limb of yoga, Samadhi, refers to the ultimate state of consciousness, where the self merges with the universe. Samadhi is the state of pure bliss and liberation, where we are free from suffering and fully immersed in the present moment.

Metaphor: A metaphor for samadhi, the eighth and final limb of yoga, is that of a bird soaring high in the sky. Just as a bird is free to fly above the earth and experience a vast perspective of the world below, samadhi is a state of consciousness where we are free from the limitations of the ego and fully immersed in the present moment. In samadhi, we experience a sense of unity with all beings and a deep connection to the universe. The state of samadhi is often described as a state of pure bliss and liberation, just as a bird experiences pure freedom and joy in flight.